Rising Energy Costs

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Rising Energy Costs

Energy costs are expected to rise this winter, and there is no better time than now to replace that old heat pump or furnace with a new, more energy-efficient system.  US HVAC is Madison, Alabama’s expert in replacing your home comfort system. Be sure to call us before rising energy costs catch you off guard.

The Energy Information Administration has issued their winter fuel outlook in which they expect propane costs to rise 54%, natural gas by 30%, and electricity by 6%.  Depending on where you live, residential prices for natural gas will increase from $11 to $14 per thousand cubic feet of space compared to $7 to $12 this time last year.  For propane, customers are looking to pay @2.50 to $3.50 per gallon versus the $1.50 to $2.50 they paid last year. 

Colder Winter will Contribute to Rising Energy Costs

A colder than usual winter could see propane customers spending 94% more and natural gas customers spending 50% more than usual.  Growth in energy demand has generally outpaced supply growth.  This is causing a rise in energy prices around the world.  In September alone, energy prices climbed 1.3% and are now up 24.8% over the past year. 

A colder than usual winter is being forecasted National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. In turn, will continue to drive up energy costs.  Propane customers could be spending 94% more, and natural gas customers 50% more than usual, thanks to the colder than normal winter. 

With the rising energy cost, it is time to start thinking about replacing your old Heat pump or furnace. Newer technology and more efficient home comfort systems will translate into savings on your end.  An investment now will pay off throughout the life of the system.

Contact Us

Call US HVAC or go online to www.ushvacservices.com to book your free estimate on replacing your home comfort system and start saving money on your rising energy costs. 

  • Posted in energy costs, rising energy costs | Tagged: energy efficient, increase in energy costs, rising energy costs
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